For the past several months I have been receiving regular e-mail notifications from my DS213+ that a system update is ready to be applied, I’d proceed to open Control Panel > Update & Restore with an Administrator level User account and hit Update. Nothing would happen…
- Checking for the latest DSM update…
- DSM 5.0-4493 update 5 is available for download.
- Failed to Download DSM. Please check your Internet connection.
Here’s the fix straight from Synology Support which is not mentioned on any well ranked forums or posts when searching for this error. I’ve pasted the original from Synology Support as well as an English-friendly version.
If you have updated your NAS to DSM 5.0 and above there is no security/malware concern to be worried about. If you are receiving e-mail notifications that a new system update is available but it does not appear on the Update & Restore screen please do the following:
- Open Control Panel > Network as an Administrator level User account
- Under the DNS options on this screen set the following primary and secondary DNS entriesPrimary:
Secondary: - Click Save Changes
- Open Control > Update & Restore and click Update Now
Original response from Synology Support:
If you have managed to update system to DSM 5.0 there has security concern that needs to be worried. On the other hand regarding e-mail you received has a new software for update but no update was available on system, please apply Google DNS or for your DiskStation under Control Panel > Network > General (Preferred DNS Server) for changes to take effect. Then, check if the issue resolves then. – Technical Support, Synology
Update: This post seems relevant for DSM 5.1 users too…
Still relevant with DSM 6.1.4-15217 Update 2. Thanks!
Used this to update a super old DSM. THANK YOU!!
Nice one, it got my problem solved July 4th 2017
Still relevant today 3/6/2017. Changed to google’s name servers, performed update, switched names servers back.
Many thanks. It worked.. Cheers
top man.worked like a dream for DSM 6.0.2 on ds215j.
You Rock! This worked perfectly.
I wasted hours on other sites trying fixes that didn’t work, then fortunately stumbled across your site.
Thanks so much for posting this solution. It worked perfectly for me.
Many thanks, this just fixed my DS210+. No other posts I have Googled had this solution. Thanks again!
many, many thanks, just fixed my ds412+ on 5.2.5592
This fix works for mine DS213j with DSM 5.1-5022 update4
I just had the same problem on my DS213 and found out that even if my LAN2 connection was not in use and was set as Disconnected in Network it messed up the routing.
I managed to get my system updated by logging in via SSH and taking down the network interface manually by issuing the command “ifconfig eth1 down”
Hope this helps
the supposed fix does not work on mine… i have 3 synology devices but for the DS213 does not work.. maybe it’s time to start using QNAS if you guys cannot have this fixed!!
fantastic thanks very much
Thanks! This also resolves my problem that download station does not display any torrents, because of DNS. In my setting diskstation has a static ip.
Hi. I just get the error. “field value is invalid” on my 210J when trying to write and
Hi, I’m also getting the error ‘field value is invalid’. Were you able to resolve the issue?
cheers – DNS package started playing up after update to 5.1
yuo era the best
I am able to update fine with the default setting of “Newest DSM and all updates”, but when I choose “Important updates only” it starts to download but fails after a few seconds. I have tried the DNS fix but there’s no difference.. My Internet works fine so not sure what the problem could be.
Also thanks!
Worked for DS413 on DSM 5.0-4528 to 5.1-5004
This was a top hit for “dsm 5.1 update failed”. There seem to be multiple official threads about the dns settings breaking the internet for 5.1, which is strange that something goes wrong for 5.0.
I’ve updated the post title to reflect that it is relevant for DSM 5.1 too 🙂
I also had this problem. Thank you very much!
I was also getting the same error.
This worked perfectly!!!!
Thank you! =D